To find any Act, Ordinance and President’s Order or its any Part, Chapter the ‘Bangladesh Code’ webpage has built a search procedure through a free text search. Free text search option is given at the top of the home page
Mainly, there are 3 search methods available in this search menu. These are - (1) Free Text(2) Alphabetical Index, (3) Chronological Index.
Figure 1 :
Figure A1 :
Free Text
Free text search option is given at the top of every page. Insert code related tex like Act or part Number or chapter Number in the text area and click enter button ro click search button (Figure 2 ,2AA and 2A).
Figure 2 :

Figure 2A :
The list displayed in Figure 2a shows 5 Acts/Ordinances each of which contains types of information i.e. (i) Act and Ordinance name, (ii) First one or two lines of the Section that contains the search item and (iii) Act and Ordinance number where one or more of its sections contain the search text.
Alphabetical Order Index
A list of Alphabets (both in Bangla and English) are displayed in the �Search� menu. You can select an Alphabet to match with the first character of all Short Titles under each Act/Ordinance/President�s Order and get the list. For example: If you click the letter �D�, all the acts with their �Short Title� started with �D� will be displayed (Figure 5).
Figure 5 :
Chronological Order Index
In this search method you can see all the Acts, Ordinances or President�s Orders within a range of years. All these Acts, Ordinances or President�s Orders from 1836 to 2008 are arranged in 39 indexes. Click on any of the index to get a list of acts within that range of years. From this list you can select any Act/Ordinance or President�s Order to see the details.
Figure 6: